Sumathi Nursing Home

‘High risk Pregnancy case handled at SNMH’

Our hospital catered to the people of Mathikere and surrounding areas for nearly four and a half decades. I am currently seeing young ladies and pregnant mothers from second generation and sometimes third generation also. This is indeed a testimony of the quality care provided here and I am very glad to be a part of this establishment.
Our staff have been with us growing and grooming our junior peers since many years. They are caring, competent and sincere in their duties – they are a huge asset.
A recent interesting challenge we had at the hospital was a miracle indeed. A young lady had come to us in her 2nd month of pregnancy. This was her fifth pregnancy. She had lost 3 due to hypertensive (high BP) complications and had one healthy child. She was already on medications for high BP. Throughout her pregnancy she was very prompt and regular in her checkups and was admitted twice for control of high blood pressure. She had a lot of faith in our hospital and doctors. Finally with good graces of God, she delivered a pre- mature baby in good health. Pre-term Cesarean Delivery was done, as her BP continued to be high and was affecting the growth of the baby in uterus. Baby is now 11 months old and very active.
We had to interact with Physicians, Cardiologists, Senior Gynecologists, Pediatricians and neonatologist in this scenario.

Dr. Deepti T. L

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