Sumathi Nursing Home

100% Health-care Quality

Culture of Care and Dedication

We prevent, treat, and manage illness and preserve physical and mental well-being through professional health services. We ensure patient experience includes the range of interactions that patients have with the healthcare system, including their care from health plans, and from doctors, nurses, and staff in hospitals, physician practices, and other healthcare facilities.
As an integral component of healthcare quality, we make sure patient experience includes several aspects of healthcare delivery that patients value highly when they seek and receive care, such as getting timely appointments, easy access to information, and good communication with health care providers.

Concern for our Patients

Understanding patient experience is a key step in moving toward patient-centred care. By looking at various aspects of patient experience, one can assess the extent to which patients are receiving care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values. Evaluating patient experience along with other components such as effectiveness and safety of care is our primary goal to providing a complete picture of health care quality.

We adhere to the following non-negotiable principles
that ensure quality healthcare for our patients.

Acknowledge the needs of patients and treat all of them with respect regardless of their educational, religious, and financial standing. 

We believe in patient-centered communication; where we listen to the patients, facilitate choices, share information, and build trust. 

We involve every patient and their family about their preferences, goals, and expectations, and are grateful that we are getting the opportunity to take care of them. 

We believe in open communication with the patient and don’t believe in making decisions unanimously. We present our recommendations, the pros and cons of each recommendation, collaborate with the patient and their family, and help them make an informed decision on the best way forward. 

Our team members ensure they know a patient’s medical history and implement patient care.

We ensure to create a soothing, restorative environment for the patient, and their experience is conducive to healing.

We educate and engage the patients in their treatment so they are aware about their condition and treatment choices, thus empowering them to partner with us. We provide models and diagrams, refer them to websites and videos, and share case studies of patient outcomes if required.

We address patient’s individual needs for pain management or daily exercise, and provide continual guidance, reminders, and motivation. Be it in-patient or outpatient care or emergency care, we give utmost importance to the patient’s physical needs and comforts.

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